Tuesday 19 February 2019


Women love receiving compliments from the man they love but for so many men out there, this isn’t an easy task. Every man ought to master the art of giving compliments because it makes women feel loved and desired.
Before giving compliments, you should identify what the woman likes about herself, the things she wants for herself, and the things she wants to improve about herself. You should also ensure your compliments go beyond her beauty and only use compliments about her beauty when it makes sense like when you’re together for a special occasion.
Compliments appeal more to women when they happen naturally as this shows you are honest. This is because she knows you didn’t have the time to plan.
Now you understand the basics you need to know before giving compliments, here are compliments that would make her heart melt:

Women appreciate it when a man acknowledges how knowledgeable they are. Women hate it when it is just their beauty that appeals to you. She wants to bring valuable information to the table so make her know you value her input and opinions. So when spending time with her, pay attention to what she’s trying to teach you and compliment her on that.

She doesn’t just want to be your relationship partner but also your best friend and compliments that acknowledge her as a good friend would make her heart melt even more. Use this compliment when she’s been of help to you no matter how little.

Every woman wants her man to trust her completely and letting her know you do trust her would mean a lot to her. Let her know you are grateful for her loyalty to you. Don’t just compliment her for her loyalty, ensure you are also loyal to her.

Every woman wants to be the centre of attraction in her man’s world. Telling her she’s your queen makes her understand how much you value her. It also tells her she’s the only woman out there that matters to you. When you make her understand she’s your queen, you make her heart melt.

Complimenting her for bringing out the best in you and making you a better man would put a smile on her face and make her heart melt even more. Every woman wants to make a positive impact in the life of her man and it gives her satisfaction when she knows you appreciate her efforts in making you a better man.

Have you ever seen a woman dress up? Trust me, choosing what to wear can be very difficult for a woman. Making her understand you love her fashion sense is important as this means her time and effort in looking good wasn’t wasted. Appreciate her effort in trying to look amazing especially when you are going out together.

The key here is being specific. Don’t just tell her she’s beautiful, be specific about the features you love about her. If you love her eyes, let her know that. If you love her dentition, let her know. The more specific you are when complimenting her beauty, the better. When you are specific when complimenting a woman’s beauty, it tells her you are paying attention and have been noticing her best features.

This compliment would make her understand you value her companionship and it would definitely make her heart melt even more. No woman wants her man to see her as boring and an uninteresting person to be with. She wants you to enjoy her company. Show sincere appreciation for her company.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

What the Shape Your Legs Says About You and What You Are In Relationships

When a man likes a woman, he pays a lot of attention to all aspects of her appearance. In her physical appearance, he looks for clues to tell him how a relationship with her would be and chooses the one who will provide him with healthy children.The shape of a woman’s legs can tell how she behaves in bed. That’s not at all unusual, because everything is based on understanding human anatomy and the connection between people’s constitution and their hormonal setup.So, how does the shape of her legs define the woman’s sexual behavior? To figure this out, you should place your feet very close to each other and look at yourself in the mirror.
Type A
The legs are contiguous and there is only one gap between them, starting from the ankles and ending a little higher than the middle of the calves. There is a rather widespread belief that the smaller the gap between the legs, the more comfortable she will be in bed. As a rule, such women are very gentle. They attract men with their tenderness and femininity. They are also shy. They don`t like to take the initiative and want men to do all the work themselves. This can be dangerous for the relationship because most men become easily bored. So, women with such legs should try to be more active.

Type B
The legs touch each other only in one place, at the ankles. These women like to acquire new experiences. They like the element of the game in intimate relationships. They are brave and adventurous. Such women are ready to take the lead in the relationship. But sometimes such excessive courage can scare men away. That`s why these women should learn to control themselves.

Type C
The thighs are close to each other, but the tibia don’t touch. Women with this type of legs are usually very gentle and romantic. But if you give them free reign, they can turn into wild cats.

Type D
The legs touch each other at the upper thighs, at the knees, calves and ankles. This is one of the most widespread shape of legs. Such women behave naturally and traditionally in bed. They don`t like experiments too much and prefer a couple of their favorite poses. But if their partner wants to try something new, they will support them. Men like such women because of their ability to give them confidence. Besides, such slim legs are quite attractive.

5 Behaviors Men Who Are Still 'Boys' Display In Their Relationships

“When people do not fully grow up, they farm out the hard work of adulthood to those closest to them.” – Dr. Jill Weber
When we enter an adult relationship, we often assume that our partner is going to have the same adult experiences that we do – that is to say, they’re going to be as mature as we are. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of situations where women enter relationships with men who just haven’t seemed to grow up, and when this happens, the woman is often tasked with trying to raise her “man child” boyfriend. If this seems familiar to you, you may want to check out these signs to see if you’re in a relationship with a man child. If so, you may want to figure out what you want to do moving forward. Settle? Or find someone more your mental age?
Here are 5 behaviors of a man like this in a relationship…
1. You have to pick up after him
He cannot pick up his clothes, his gadgets, his dishes, nothing. You may find that you’re constantly cleaning up after him, no matter what. You’re picking up his dirty laundry and putting it in the hamper, or you’re cleaning up his dirty dishes and putting them in the sick. He just leaves behind a whirlwind of dirty garbage behind him and you’re the one left to play maid.
When people do not fully grow up, they farm out the hard work of adulthood to those closest to them. It can be subtle, but if you are making excuses, stop and reflect on why you’re picking up after a grown man?” says author Jill P. Weber.
You shouldn’t be playing mother or maid to your significant other, so if you notice that you’re the only one keeping the apartment clean, this may be a red flag that you’re actually dating a man-child.
2. He panics at the mention of commitment
You notice that any time you discuss commitment, or god forbid children, he doesn’t look like he’s interested in the conversation. In fact, he may even look panicked. After all, a man-child may find having to grow up to have his own children or commit to his partner one of the worst things that could ever happen to him. Of course, you always deserve someone who is on your same page when it comes to commitment, or what you want to happen in the future.
Adults plan futures, strategize how they can reach those future goals, and take action now in service of those goals. [They] can’t think too far ahead because they are incapable of seeing their future selves in a clear light,” says psychologist and radio host Dr. Cooper Lawrence.
Therefore, if your partner can’t seem to stomach even a little talk of the future, it might be a red flag.
3. You have to nag him

Nobody likes to be a nag, and nobody likes to nag, either. But you may find that you are always nagging him about things, everything from doing the dishes to
Cleaning up the living room. He tells you that he’s going to do something, and you have to keep reminding him and reminding him, but in the end … he just doesn’t do it, and then he’s apologizing, or getting on your case about being such a nag. You always end up disappointed. If this sounds like your relationship, then it’s a big sign that you’re probably dating a man child.
4. He always avoids serious conversation

If there’s something wrong in your relationship, your first instinct may be to sit down with your partner and have a serious conversation about it. However, when you’re in a relationship with a man child, you’re probably going to find that he avoids serious conversations like the plague. When you try to bring something serious up, “he makes a joke, changes the topic, looks at his phone, or turns the tables on you by telling you what you are doing wrong in the relationship,” adds Dr. Weber.
You will probably never actually get to the point of the conversation, because the last thing that your man-child partner wants is to address his bad behavior.
5. He’s still stuck in middle school
If you’re with your partner and it feels like his interests haven’t evolved since middle school, you might very well be dating a man-child. He seems to always want to play pranks, and only enjoys toilet humor, and all of his interests and hobbies revolve around things that he was interested in as a child. He may not even know how to have an adult conversation without making jokes or trying to antagonize you. You may start to feel like his mother rather than his significant other. This is a big red flag that you’re in a relationship with a man-child. 
Final thoughts
Adult women want relationships with adult men. Unfortunately, for men it seems more acceptable for them to take longer to grow up, which leaves many women in relationships with men who are still reliving their childhood glory days. If you find that your partner is exhibiting all of the signs of a man-child, then it may very well be time to either issue an ultimatum, or find an adult who’s ready to act like it.

Monday 11 February 2019


Garlic, a species of onion, has been eaten by humans for centuries. It has been used by ancient cultures for religious and spiritual reasons. It has been a key ingredient for delicious dishes and meals around the world. And, of course, it’s used for its medicinal properties!
But can eating garlic regularly really have any long-term health effects? Or is that all nonsense with no scientific backing? As it turns out, there are more positive benefits of garlic than you may know about!
That’s why eating a hefty serving or two of garlic daily could be good for you in the long run. Here’s how science explains what happens to your body when you eat garlic every day.



Garlic is packed with antioxidants, allowing it to strengthen your immunity and reduce the chances of catching a cold or developing the flu. They’re known to fend off viruses and are especially useful over the winter thanks to their high amino acid, vitamin, and good oil content.
Garlic also has an organic component known as allicin which can kill off fungi and bacteria alike. Studies have found that garlic can greatly lessen the chances of catching a cold, and taking a garlic supplement can reduce cold symptoms by 70% compared to placebo pills. So when you eat garlic every day, you may enjoy these same benefits.
·         To enjoy these benefits, try taking between 2 and 3 cloves of garlic daily.
·         You can also have some garlic tea, soups, broths, or stews, according to Nutrihealth founder Health and Wellness Expert Dr. Shikha Sharma.
·         Do note that garlic must be fresh in order for you to enjoy its positive results.

2.    your bones and teeth becomes stronger

Garlic is known for being good for the teeth and bones. It’s actually fairly great for the mouth all around, as it can heal inflammation and kill off bad microbes. Its antibacterial content makes it fantastic for preventing the development of cavities, so you won’t suffer from toothaches as often.
What about for bones, though? It is worth noting that studies have not been conducted on humans regarding the effects of garlic on bones. However, research done with rodents has found that in female rodents, regular garlic supplementation can boost estrogen, which minimizes the risks of losing bone.
To tie in with that, a human study found that consuming garlic extract can reduce estrogen deficiency for menopausal women. This means that the positive benefits rodents enjoy from garlic might translate to humans, as many things often do. There is some research to suggest that garlic could be good for those with osteoarthritis, but more study is needed.


Garlic is able to do wonders for cholesterol levels, especially for LDL cholesterol – which is the negative kind of cholesterol. Meanwhile, HDL (the supposedly more positive cholesterol) remains less affected, so you don’t need to worry about losing good HDL.
This happens because of allicin, which is the antioxidant compound that is present in garlic. It helps to bring LDL down while regulating blood sugar. Garlic can reduce LDL levels by up to 15%, which is a positive step for anyone looking to improve heart health.
·         Since allicin works best uncooked and often loses some of that medicinal value it carries when cooked, try consuming raw or half-cooked garlic for best results.
·         If you can’t stomach that, though, don’t worry. You can still keep your positive thinking going!
·         Eating cooked garlic daily will still give you some benefits – just at a lower intensity.


High blood pressure, known also as hypertension, is one of the biggest causes behind some of the most commonly fatal medical conditions in the world. This includes strokes and heart attacks.
Studies have found that garlic works wonders in keeping down the blood pressure, and the impact is pretty significant. In fact, one particular piece of research found that consuming aged garlic extract in between 600 and 1,500 mg doses daily can provide the same benefits as medicinal drug Atenolol. That’s a great reason to eat garlic every day!
This works because garlic can widen blood vessels, which leads to lower levels of pressure in the arteries. As a side effect, you may even experience fewer headaches from this! Do note, though, that you will have to eat a good amount of garlic in order to see these results – the equivalent of 4 cloves.


For centuries, garlic has been used to enhance athletic performance. It was a staple for Olympic athletes when they competed in ancient Greece, and it has been used in many cultures to boost physical work ability and hold off fatigue.
Because garlic is so good at keeping your heart healthy, it makes the heart work better overall. What happens to your body is the muscles also begin to work at more efficient and effective paces. Some human tests have shown that garlic oil consumption can reduce peak heart rate by 12% and also provide better fitness for exercise.
However, there aren’t many human studies conducted on garlic’s fitness benefits. As such, more research is needed before we jump to full conclusions. Still, the vegetable has shown positive results when taken by those seeking to reduce fatigue and tiredness from exercise. It may also make someone more productive at work as a result, as less tiredness means more concentration and better positive thinking.


The brain tires and becomes less efficient as we age. Based on the Free Radical theory of aging, this happens due to a reaction that causes chemical oxidation. Essentially, it occurs because humans eat all kinds of food and take in oxygen in order to produce energy for the body to run.
This means that the cells are slowly destroyed over time, leading to duller brain function, sagging skin, and plenty of other downsides. That’s why antioxidants are so favored in the health world.
·         Garlic is full of antioxidants, so it fights the body’s natural oxidative damage caused by its processes.
·         It highly reduces oxidative stress when taken in high doses, especially in those who experience conditions like high blood pressure.
·         It does so by producing increased numbers of enzymes with antioxidant properties in the body.
This is why garlic is thought to have positive effects on the elderly, too. It may help the brain stay sharp, preventing Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and other similar conditions. This means it’s also good for memory, concentration, and productivity!


Linking back to the Free Radical aging theory, garlic is able to slow the aging of skin and hair. Skin loses collagen over time, causing a lack of elasticity, which is why older skin may sag.
Eating just two cloves every day can boost collagen production naturally, as well as elastic production. This is because the skin’s fibroblasts, which are essentially the cells that handle skin renewal, react so well to garlic.
In addition, applying garlic onto the skin can protect the skin wonderfully while also helping to treat certain skin conditions, such as eczema, and fungal infections, such as ringworms or athlete’s foot. Of course, this isn’t about eating garlic – but we thought we’d mention it regardless.
Some also state that garlic has properties that make it a natural way to protect from the harmful sun’s rays that can age you. Eating more garlic can prevent the sun from excessively drying and photo-aging the skin. Do note that garlic isn’t a substitute for sunscreen!


There are plenty of reasons that garlic may help someone lose weight. The most obvious is the fact that it is such a good ingredient for adding flavor to dishes, and that it contains so many nutrients, all while staying low in calories. One ounce, or 28 grams, of garlic, has only 42 calories.
In addition, garlic contains a ton of positive components that make it great for rounding out a diet. Just one ounce of this vegetable has:
·         23% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for manganese
·         17% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin B6
·         15% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C
·         6% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for Selenium
·         9 grams of carbs
·         8 grams of protein
·         6 grams of fiber
·         Additionally, it has good levels of vitamin B1, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, and potassium.

On top of that, garlic has something called ajoene. This component is crucial in the activation of ferments within the body’s blood. These ferments break down and get rid of fatty deposits, helping to break down unnecessary fat.
Garlic can also help to burn off extra calories that come with improper food intake. If you’re worried you’re eating too much food, you can eat garlic to counteract it. Do keep in mind, though, that there is a high dose of garlic needed for this to happen!


It’s difficult to effectively prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that any one thing can improve one’s lifespan. However, garlic comes pretty close to being that well-proven. Given its huge number of positive effects and how it can reduce conditions that increase the risk of fatal illness, it’s not surprising that many believe garlic can help them live a longer, healthier life.
·         Garlic can battle diseases and infections.
·         It can boost immunity.
·         It can keep the brain sharp and functioning well.
·         It’s a good component to add to a diet and it’s highly nutritious.
·         It’s no surprise that garlic might just be that one secret ingredient to longevity!
On top of that, there is some evidence that suggests garlic consumption can lower the risk of developing some types of cancer, especially colorectal cancer and stomach cancer. Whether this is due to the boosted immunity the body enjoys, or for some other yet to be studied reason, we aren’t sure. But the potential benefits of eating garlic every day certainly make it worth a shot!


Garlic is delicious and nutritious. It has countless health-related benefits. With all it can do, adding garlic to your daily meal plan may just turn your life around!
Do remember, of course, that garlic is not a suitable substitute for a doctor’s advice and should not be used as a sole treatment for any one condition. If you plan to take a garlic supplement of any kind, speak to a medical professional for advice first!

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Six (6) foods to eat on an empty stomach for better health

1. Warm honey water

Honey mixed with warm water is a perfect early morning recipe to flush your system, jump-start your metabolism and energize your body, what a healthy way to start your day.

2. Watermelon 

It is 90% water so it is gentle on the stomach plus it satisfies sugar cravings. A secret perk is that watermelon is good for eyesight. 
3. Pawpaw

Rich in fiber, they enhance bowel movement and lower heart disease and cholesterol levels. 
4. Almonds

Soak these like the raisins and you will be getting the best out of them. In this way, it would be easy to peel the back off in the morning. Almond back prevents nutrient absorption.
5. Raisins

They are naturally sweet which gives you the sugar boost you may need in the morning. Also, they are rich in calcium, potassium, and iron. However, it is advised that you soak them overnight in water for better nutrient absorption
6. Eggs

Rich in protein that you need to start your day on an excellent note and easy on the stomach, eggs make excellent food for breakfast. Also, they are deeply satisfying. 
Thankfully, each food item on this list is relatively easy to obtain. With little tweaks like this here and there, I believe we will all be healthier. 

Enjoy your meal, enjoy your day and have a healthy live style!

Monday 4 April 2016

The 7 Demons You Must Defeat Before You Can Succeed In Business

What does it really take to be successful in business?
Why do some people succeed in business, while others stutter, stumble and fail?
Think about it for a moment. Successful entrepreneurs come in all forms, shapes and sizes. They don’t particularly fall into any specific categories that make them special.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common categories:
Let’s look at Religion. There are successful entrepreneurs in every faith on earth. You will find successful entrepreneurs who are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Animists, and Atheists; yes, even people who don’t believe in the existence of a god have become successful entrepreneurs too.
So, it cannot be religion.
Education? Well, several of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs dropped out of school. Some of them didn’t even go to school at all. And there are also a number of MBAs and PhDs who are very successful entrepreneurs too.
From the evidence, it appears education is not the edge that makes people succeed in business.
What about race, and the colour of your skin?
Well, every race on earth has its fair share of successful entrepreneurs. And that includes the poorest places on earth. Recent studies reveal that Africa now has over 160,000 millionaires.
So, it cannot be race.
What about physical attributes; your age, height, weight, the way you look and the language you speak?
Well, this doesn’t matter at all too. In fact, successful entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes: tall, short, old, young, beautiful, ‘not-so-beautiful’, extroverted, introverted, cool, annoying et cetera. The whole works!
So, becoming successful in business has nothing to do with your age or physical attributes.
Then, what really makes the difference between successful entrepreneurs and the rest of the world?
The truth is, the key secrets to success in business are not quite visible to the naked eye. You have to look a little closer to notice the difference. You have to look under the hood to discover these secrets.
These secrets live in the mind.
Through my work with entrepreneurs, I have found that up to 80 percent of the factors that significantly increase our chances of becoming successful in business are psychological.
That’s why a healthy, strong and ultra-positive mind is the most powerful asset you will ever have.
Sadly, not everyone’s mind works this way. And that’s because most of us have serious psychological roadblocks that withhold, frustrate, and torment our dreams of becoming entrepreneurs or succeeding in business.
I call them demons. Of course, I don’t mean this in any spiritual or literal sense. :)
All of us have these demons, including me. It’s just that successful entrepreneurs have found a way to suppress the power and effects of their inner demons.
In the rest of this article, I’ll identify the top 7 inner demons you must defeat if you want to unlock all the roadblocks that are standing between you and business success.
Ready? Let’s go!